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Pokemon Journeys Special Arceus Arc: "Arceus, The One Called God", Episode 2: "Rampaging Heatran!!" Reviewed

The latest Pokemon Journeys Special Arceus Arc: "Arceus, The One Called God", Episode 1: "Ash and Goh! Let's Go to the Si...

The latest Pokemon Journeys Special Arceus Arc: "Arceus, The One Called God", Episode 1: "Ash and Goh! Let's Go to the Sinnoh Fest!" and Episode 2: "Rampaging Heatran!!" were released on 21st January 2022 in Japan a week ahead of the release of the new pokemon game Pokemon Legends: Arceus and here I am to review Episode 2.

I have already reviewed Episode 1 and you can read it on this link:
(IMAGE: The Pokemon Company)

Episode 2: "Rampaging Heatran"

Following their pokemons Ash, Goh and Dawn arive at Oreburgh City when they are strucked by a sharp noice caused due to a fight between a group of Chingling and a Bronzong. Piplup calms them down but when the trio approach the injured pokemons they find themself in a void like space where Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit appear and show them a vision of flames and Arceus is also above them but the vision soon disappears. Goh is confused that how could Ash and Dawn be so calm after seeing all this on which Ash tells Goh about how the have already worked with the lake guardians to save Dialga and Palkia during the Diamond and Pearl Seasson.

Back at Team Galactic HQ Saturn announces that they will begin the process of bringing Cyrus back who diasappered back when Cyrus tried to create his own universe. He orders the grunts to make all the necessary preperation as they will begin the process at 6 p.m.

At the pokemon center Ash, Goh and Dawn ge tto know about the strange behaviour of pokemon at the Mount Coronet. And then there appears every pokemon fans all time favourite character Brock with his Blissey and Croagunk who tells them that the Pokemon they brought are felling better. Trust me no mater how many times Brock appears but every pokemon fan never gets tired of him. He is a perfect balance of humour, emotions and heroism and if this scene would have occured at theaters I bet the crowd would have gone crazy as every pokemon grew up watching him he has been the longest running support character till date for 13 seassons i.e. 12 years continuesly excluding his short disapperarence during Orange League. Coming back to plot it is the first time when Goh met Brock and this meet will surely make the character of Goh much more developed. Brock, Ash, Dawn and Goh head towards Moount Coronet when Ash tells Brock about their vission on which he points out that the vision was not shown by the lake guardians rather Arceus itself. Hearing this Dawn decides to call Cynthia to help them out.

Tema Galactic start their operation. Saturn orders Heatran to use Magma Storm on the Flame Plate, it is one of the plates that protects Arceus from fire type moves. This starts opening space-time gate. At the fott of the mountain Ash, Brock, Dawn and Goh follow the beam. In excitement Saturn orders Heatran to use more power which insted of speeding up the process it back fires and the enrgy returns back and strikes Heatran. Saturn tries to call back Heatran but his Dusk Ball melts off in the scorching heat of the Heatran who now was engulfed in flames. Heatran goes berserk and due to its Flash Fire ability Heatran is overloaded as he swallows the Fire Plate and takes a different form all covered in flames.

Heatran fires a beam of energy towards the space-time gate and starts moving setting everything ablaze around him. Ash and team spot the legendry pokemon and think that the flames they saw in the vision were of Heatran. Team Galactic theorize that Heatran is moving towards the Spaer Pillar where Cyrus performed the procedure to create his own universe and is trapped in the portal while doing it. Ash and team also figures out this and suspect Team Galactic to be behind all this they try to cool down Heatran with their water pokemons but all goes in vain.

All of a sudden the team is attacked by Saturn's Toxicroak but is coountered by Brock's Croagunk who have always been rivals of each other. It was such an amazing scene to see the two rival pokemons battle against each other after so many years. The Team Galactic helicopter lands and the three commanders Saturn, Jupiter and Mars hop out of it confirming the Ash and teams suspicion. Brock questions Team Galactic how could they be still running as they were dismanteled by the Sinnoh Police but team Glactic refuse to answer any of their questions. Arceus react to the flame plate inside Heatran and the Lake Guardians appear and calmed down Heatran revealing a new form of Heatran made entirely of molten lava. the episode ends here.
(IMAGE: The Pokemon Company)

Review Time

There are no comments to explain how awesome this episode was. It had so much of action and distruction that you can not miss even a single scene. The episode is so eye catchy that one watching it wouldn't even blink. Moreover the appearence of Brock made this episode even more special no doubt on this Brock is the most matured and developed character of this whole franchise. Also Heatrans new form made it special. The vision scene of this episode takes you back in time of Diamond and Pearl where the similar incident happened with Ash, Dawn and Brock. At last I would say that this episode absolutely fantastic and one should surely watch it.

So thats all for today's blog. I will try my best to post next one in the mid of next week untill then have a pokefantastic day.

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