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Ash's Mega Lucario Pokemon Master Journeys Episode 37 "Battle Three With Bea!" Reviewed

The latest Episode 37 "Battle Three With Bea!" of Pokemon Master Journeys: The Series was released recently in english dub and say...

The latest Episode 37 "Battle Three With Bea!" of Pokemon Master Journeys: The Series was released recently in english dub and say what, we finally get to see Ash's Mega Lucario for the first time.
(IMAGE: The Pokemon Company)
After seeing this episode the fan boys of pokemon all around the world went crazy and the reason is clear Ash's Mega Lucario. Well in the preveious episode we got to know about that Lucario and Ash have found the key stone and the mega stone in the Kalos Region with the help of Korrina and her gramdfather and by the end he recieved a challenge from Bea.


The episode starts with Bea training with her all six pokemons when Ash arrives and they share short talk where both of them lay all their six card to allready demonstrate their power. Bea offers Ash to ntrain together but Ash refuses and tells that he came here to meet Korrina. When Korrina arrived it appeared it seamed like the two young ladies are going to place a nice punch into each others face but turns out that they were good friends. The four of them enjoyed the day together untill the next day arrived.

On the battle day Ash started with Pickachu and Bea with Grapploct. With pikachu semi exhausted Ash calls it back and sends out Lucario who is determined to this time not make a draw. At this point Bea calls back Gapploct and sends out Hawlucha and no doubt Ash knows every moves of this pokemon as he himself owns one and that to the one with title of forest champion and who reached finals in the Kalos League. The Hawlucha is able to do serious damage to Lucario with sky attack after which Bea calls it back and sends out her final and most fearsome pokemon Machamp. Machamp comes out flaunting its muscles and abs slay those female pokemons present their I imagine what if Bianca would be present there. Lets stick to the topic with Bea going all offensive Machamp brutualy beats down Lucario with bullet punch and cross chop no doubt Machamp has an advantage of having four arms whereas Lucario has only two poor Lucario. With Lucario strugling two free itself from Machomp and taking a lot of damage Ash is left onlly with one option of Mega Evolving Lucario and calls to mega evolve but Lucario refuses to do so and why he does so is sensed by both Ash, Bea and Korrina's Lucario. Ash's Lucario frees himself with a headbutt. The announcer and the whole stadium thinks that their bond wasan't so strong for Mega Evolution to happen but it's at this point Monarch Leon appears in the announcer's room and tells that its exactly opposite and their bond rather too strong that they can understand each other and Lucario protested Ash as this wasn't appropriate time to use it and may require it in future when Bea Dynamx's her Machamp. Seeing Leon watching them Ash, Bea and their Pokemons are now totaly syched and battle with double the energy and at this point the episode ends leaving the audience in suspence, what a shame.

(IMAGE: The Pokemon Company)


The episode was amazing and exciting. With such a strong opponent where Ash battled Bea thrice loosing one and the other one drwing this would be the final battle. The point where Lucario reffused to mega evolve gave me goosebumps and I can not expect anything better from this episode. The way Ash and Lucario's bond is shown is amazing but even then I will be a fan of Ash and Greninja's bond litteraly they dob't even require a key stone and mega stone to mega evolve it's pitty to see Greninja not appearing for so many years not only Greninja none of the main characters of the XY series have appeared till know except Korrina. Don't know when will they appear especially Ash's greninja and his girlfriend Serena #blush. Overall I enjoyed the episode and this has allready hyped the next episode with the battle between Ash's Mega Lucario and Bea's Dynamax Machamp.

So, that's it for today, meet you in the next blog untill then try making a bond with your pet who know's someday you could also understand it.

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