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Marvel Spider-Man: No Way Home Plot Breakdown, Reviewed and Explained

With the craziest and most awaited movie of the year Spider-Man: No Way Home was released in United Kingdom, India, And rest of the world on...

With the craziest and most awaited movie of the year Spider-Man: No Way Home was released in United Kingdom, India, And rest of the world on 15th December 2021, 16th December 2021 and 17th December 2021 respectively. After which I am here to explain you its plot and make a review.
(IMAGE: Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures)


Before you read this post I would like to give a caution that htere are heavy spoilers ahead and if you don't want them then first watch the movie and then read this blog.

Well the movie starts from the same scene where Mysterio reveals the identity of Spider-Man as Peter Parker and frames him as his murderer. This makes the life of our beloved Spider-Man and his knowns miserable surrounded by negetivity and criticisms. Peter Parker, Aunt May, Girlfriend MJ and best friend Ned captured by the Department of Damage Control and interogted. Their Lawer Matt Murdock (Daredevil) make the charges dropped but the criticism continues and this leads to the rejection of Peter Parker, MJ and Ned's application for MIT. Peter visits Dr. Strange and ask him to erase his memories from the public. Dr. Strange casts a spell that would erase Peter Parker's identity from everyone's memory but Peter asks to let MJ, Aunt May and Ned remember him. This alteration corrupts the spell but strange manages to contain the spell. Now here's where the real story begins.
(IMAGE: Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures)
Later Peter arrives on the Alexander Hamilton Bridge to convince an MIT administrator to acccept the applications of the trio when Dr. Otto Octavious arrives from no where and starts attacking Peter. In the battle he rips apart Peter's suit's nano tech and keeps it for himself, this gives peter a control on Octavious's mechanical arms when Peter is again attacked by Norman Osborn a.k.a The Green Goblin but Dr. Strange captures Octavious and brings Peter with him leaving The Green Goblin behind. At the Strange's Sanctum Peter finds that Curt Conners a.k.a. The Lizard was already captured by Dr. Strange. Dr. Strange at this point explains that the spell caused everyone to appear from the multiverse who knew Peter's identity and asks Peter, Ned and MJ to capture them all and send them back.

Peter captures Max Dillion a.k.a. Electro and Flint Marko a.k.a. Sand Man by that time Osborn reclaims his sanity from Green Goblin personality and arrives at the F.E.A.S.T. building where Peter retrives him. While the villans discussed about their battles with Spider-Man they realized that they were pulled to this universe just before their deaths. At that moment Strange arrives with the spell box which will send them back to their universe and meet their fate, but Peter by now has developed a sympathy for the villans and suggest to cure them before sending them this will prevent the deaths of the villans but Strange rejects this idea which leads to a small battle between Spider-Man and Dr. Strange leading to Peter taking away of the spell box, strange's sling ring and capturing Strange in the mirror world. Peter then takes the captured villan to Happy Hogan where Octavious is cured but Green Goblin's persona returns and he convinces other uncured villans to betray Parker. while escaping Green Goblin stabs Aunt May with his glider leading to her death. Before dying the most awaited key quote of Spider-Man's life is spoken by Aint May "with great power, there must also come great responsibility". Literally I waited for this dialouge in MCU since the first Spider-Man movie Spider-Man: Homecoming giving us a clue that spider-man's life has taken a sharp turn and this will change his personality a lot.

Ned now starts creating portals with help of Strange's sling ring in order to find Peter but summons the other two spider-man's played by Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garlfield and belive me this was one of the epic scene of the movie. Finally Ned finds Peter played by Tom Holland. Seeing Peter's moral all shatered Ned, MJ, Tobey and Garlfiels comfort him and the other two spider-mans tell hier stories of loosing thier beloved ones and encourage Tom Holand's Spider-Man to fight for Aunt May.

The three spider-men develop cures for the other villans and lure them to the new and improved Statue of Liberty as said by Yellena in Hawkeye where the three Spider-Men battle Electro, Sand-Man and the Lizard and finally cure them Ned frees Dr. Strange from the mirror world but The Green Goblin arrives and breaks the spell box causing the fabric of relity to tear apart Strange tries to hold back the barrier Tom's spiderman tries to kill Osborn but is stoped by Tobey in return Tobey is stabbed by Green Goblin nut they finaly cure him.

At the end Tom realises that the only way of stopng this collison of universes is to get himself erased from everyone's memory and ask Strange to do so. MJ and Peter share a kiss before the spell is casted and Peter promises MJ and Ned to remind them of his memories. The spell is casted every thing turns back to normal Peter later visits MJ and Ned to make them remind of him but after seeing MJ and Ned have got admission in MIT and are very happy he drops the idea to as he feels this will disrupt their happiness and make affect their safety. Tom arrives at May' grave to mourn and has a conversation with Happy Hoggan who dosen't remember him. Peter carries on his heroic works with his secret identity and a new suit.
(IMAGE: Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures)

Final Review

Well the movie out performed the expectations of the fans and has given a lasting impressions. the movie was a full package of emotions, heroisms, actionsequences and romance. Litteraly in every scene one would experience a different emotions at moment a person may be watching a action scene and in the next scene he may get emotion. At last I didn't found anything bad or loop about this movie but yes the movie has left fans with various questions due to the two post credit scenes of the movie which I will discuss later in some other blog as this one has become a quite long one.

So, here I take a good bye and promise to return with another interesting blog next week, untill then realise your powers and responsibility to follow The Pokelizer 😁.

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